What you only party once a year?
That’s not very biblical is it? Jesus seemed to spend a lot of time at parties and social gatherings.
You’re right, He did. He shared meals and received hospitality with all kinds of people including the ones that the proper folk said He shouldn’t. And we need to follow that scriptural example, so let’s plan more parties and social times!
Our Annual Party is the name for our Annual Meeting. We copied the name from a group of friends down the road in Hamilton, the Greater Ontario House of Prayer (they rock!). The idea is that when we look back at the last year and all that God has done and ahead at the new year with all God will do, it’s a party. We celebrate.
We sing worship songs, eat, pray, tell stories of God’s faithfulness, look at pictures of good times together and we give the glory to God. That’s a party.
So, at our Annual Party this year our highlights included:
*a slideshow of the first three years with so many great memories
*receiving our first dozen official members
*affirming our Core Team (board)
*a word of encouragement from our Church Planting Supervisor Pastor Liz Cudney
*accepting our annual report and budget
*setting up a DC [disciplemaking community] Seed Fund so each DC is financially empowered to ask “what can we do to bless people and reach out, to seed the kingdom of God?”
*great songs, fellowship, prayer, and God sightings
*guests, new friends!
*great snacks
As we looked ahead with anticipation to what God has in store for our 4th year, we prayed this prayer…