What’s Up With Diaspora These Days?











Many churches are  going back to in person meeting but with reduced numbers. But the reality is that many people are not going back. They may be in some sense done with church as usual or they prefer to stay safe and either not attend at all or they tune in online to be active as the Church. 

“Diaspora” comes from a Greek word that means dispersed or scattered. We are dispersed in homes, parks, community spaces, online, and we seek to grow more groups (DCs) that are even more geographically scattered. While dispersed we remain connected to one another and God.

We’ve has been online since the pandemic began and have also been in person when the weather allows meeting outdoors in distanced ways. Since spring, we also have maintained an online group. We see meeting online as an area that will appeal to many people for a variety of reasons. 

Our groups are called Disciplemaking Communities as they meet to live out the life of the church — being disciples who make disciples. We don’t do “services” in the normal sense of the word. Our gatherings in person or online are very collaborative and interactive with our community taking part in providing worship, prayer, testimonies, activities and input from God’s word.  

We seek to be an extended family on mission. Our mission is being disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. To that end we support and nurture one another and and reach out to those in our lives around us.

If you want to check out an online DC, please get in touch (jim@diaspora.church) so we chat and connect you. It’s a great way to connect with people who are loving and learning from Jesus and to help you in your life with Jesus.


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