Tag: Diaspora Guelph
The First Multiplication of Diaspora
[November 2016] We’ve done it. We multiplied! Or I should say God has done it. Our church plant which began with one disciplemaking community is now two. This is exciting and God has led us here. It’s actually been a couple of weeks now. But the excitement is still fresh. The first morning our multiplied […]
Everywhere I Go I See You
I was walking and praying one fall morning and a song by Rich Mullins was reverberating through my body and soul, I SEE YOU. As the lyrics played through my head and I found myself praying and praising them back to God. It was a wonderful time of communing with our heavenly Father. Lord, You’re leading me With […]
What Did Jesus Have in Mind?
“What did Jesus have in mind when he commissioned the church to make disciples of all nations? A missional understanding of this commission requires us to see Jesus tactic as to mobilize a whole lot of little versions of himself infiltrating every nook and cranny of society. He seeks to do this by reproducing himself, […]
A Family Gathers
[thanks Rick for the pics!] The phrase we use most often to describe Diaspora is “an extended family on mission”. Our family includes a wide variety of people. We have a core of them who are with us almost all the time, some who are becoming more connected, others who come off and on, those who we […]
In Diaspora, We Pray
[post from September 2016] We pray. We definitely pray. Actually, we just did a worship exercise this past week (thanks Elaine!) which was about trusting God and that’s a big part of what we pray and that we pray. We trust our heavenly Father and so we spend time with Him, seeking to know Him […]
Children and Worship
It’s so cool the way the Holy Spirit puts things together. One week at Diaspora, we had our regular DC (Disciplemaking Community). And parts of it were led as always by a variety of our people. And it was beautiful — songs, prayers, word, fellowship — all came together beautifully. Those who led ranged in […]
Faith That Sets a Person On Fire
[a post from mid 2016] I was reading Alan Hirsch’s THE FORGOTTEN WAYS, earlier today for the umpteenth time. Such an inspiring book as he looks at missional movements and the missional DNA that carry them forward. I was challenged, inspired and stopped by the following quote from Roland Allen, “The spontaneous expansion of the […]
Pt. 3, If The Church Is The People
then we, the church/the people, read the Bible. Not just a leader or a preacher or a Sunday school teacher read the Bible, everyone does. At Diaspora, we read the Bible, a lot. The Bible is a love letter from Creator to Created. It tells us of His love, plan, hope for us, and how […]
Pt. 2, If The Church Is The People
…then we are the church when we gather for a worship service and also when we gather for other parts of life. For example, one Saturday morning, we did gather for worship and in the afternoon we gathered for theatre. Both were gatherings of the church. One saw us sing some songs about following Jesus. The other […]
Pt. 1, If The Church Is The People…
then we need to stop saying, “we’re going to church”. Words are powerful. We come from faith begun by the living Word, Jesus. But we forget our words’ power and we reduce them by saying things like, “I’m going to church”. We need to stop saying that. We can’t just excuse it and say, “oh […]